Archive for the 'Stupid People' Category

Oh DOT, You Make Baby Jesus Cry!

Saturday, July 24th, 2010

Your tax dollars, hard at work. Baby Jesus is CRYING!

Peeing In Public? For Shame!

Sunday, April 18th, 2010

Look at this naughty man. Standing at the local public transit station outside of his car peeing. Could he not have held it long enough to drive somewhere with a bathroom? Smile, you are on Baby Jesus Camera!

Jesus Sees You When You Pee!

More Shoppers Who Can’t Read …

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Yet again another shopper who doesn’t understand the concept of the express check out lane. See the big sign that says 15 items or less? Guess not, and that is why Baby Jesus is crying!

How Many Items You Got There?

Bad Driving Makes Baby J Cry!

Sunday, July 12th, 2009


Where are the cops when you need them? This girl drove for almost 2 hours with her foot out of her window. What if she had to slam on the breaks real hard? She wouldn’t be having any babies that is for sure. She and people who drive like this make the baby J cry.

Stupid Bigots Make Baby Jesus Cry!

Thursday, May 21st, 2009

Learn To Spell Moron!

This stupid bigot was on the iPhone app “Who’s Here!” Hey moron, there are 2 Gs in the word “Faggot.” Fagot is a bunch of twigs! He can’t use the excuse that he had to abbreviate the word, as he could have removed one of the many exclamation marks in order to spell the world properly.

Baby Jesus is confused, he doesn’t know whether to cry over this man’s hatred of others, or the fact that a 44 year old is using AOL speak. U R 2 OLD DUDE!

More Stupid Shoppers!

Saturday, May 2nd, 2009

You Have Legs, So Walk!

Why this grown woman was sitting in the shopping car ordering her man to push her down various aisles to shop I don’t know. Here she directs him over to the free sample lady.

Baby Jesus cries when people are too lazy to walk!

Shopper Makes Baby Jesus Cry

Saturday, May 2nd, 2009

Do You Not Understand The Express Lane?

This woman did not seem to comprehend that the self-check out aisle at the supermarket was for 20 items or less.

She had already bagged about 5 bags and still had that much crap in her shopping cart. She makes Baby Jesus cry.